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How to Set a Video as Wallpaper using VLC


ဒါေလးကေတာ့ VLC Media Player ကိုသံုးျပီးဗီဒီယိုဖိုင္ကိုကိုယ့္ရဲ့ကြန္ျပဴတာရဲ့ Wallpaper အျဖစ္ထားနည္းေလးပါ

1) Open the Video with VLC and let it play.
2) Press CTRL + P or select Tools > Preferences from the menu of VLC, the Settings window should appear.
3) Select the Video tab, then under Output select DirectX Video Output
4) Press Save to apply the modified settings.
5) Now Right Click the Video in VLC and select Directx Wallpaper or select Video > Directx Wallpaper from the menu.
6) Done! The background wallpaper will be changed immediately and you'll notice the video being played in background.
Note #1: To disable the video background, return to VLC > Right Click the Video then Uncheck Directx Wallpaper.
Note #2: If you are using Aero Themes (Windows 7) you may be warned by a bubble saying "The Color Scheme Has been Changed to Windows 7 Basic", it's normal as it will buffer the video it should be set to Windows 7 basic theme.
Note #3: After Disabling the Video background, you have to reset your Wallpaper image from the Windows background selector.